Live with Less Stress. Live Your Best Life.

Therapy for Stress and Burnout

in San Diego and Online throughout California

Are you struggling to keep up? Feeling like you're running on empty?

I know you’re exhausted. And your mind is racing with that never-ending to-do list. As you juggle family responsibilities, personal obligations, and work deadlines, you feel like you’re always stretched too thin. Your once joyful activities now feel like burdens, and you find yourself snapping at loved ones over trivial matters, feeling guilty immediately after.

You might notice physical symptoms like tension headaches, muscle aches, and digestive issues, which only add to your stress. Socializing, which used to be a source of joy, now feels overwhelming, and you often cancel plans last minute, opting instead to stay home and rest, though real rest seems elusive. This cycle of stress leaves you feeling like you're surviving rather than truly living.

Life can feel overwhelming and exhausting, especially when you're constantly juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities Continuous stress can lead to burnout, depression, and other mental health issues. Stress often results in irritability and withdrawal, straining bonds with family and friends. You might even notice yourself withdrawing emotionally from friends and family, feeling too overwhelmed to engage socially, and feeling disconnected from those you care about.

It's easy to feel stuck in a cycle of stress.

But there is a way out.

Imagine navigating life with a newfound sense of clarity and confidence. You find that daily tasks become more manageable and enjoyable, as stress diminishes. Your relationships thrive as you find yourself more present and engaged.  You notice a boost in your confidence and self-worth as you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and start to see your strengths and achievements more clearly. You feel more capable and in control, ready to pursue your goals and seize new opportunities. As you find your new sense of balance you rediscover joy in your life.

My approach to therapy is centered around compassion, understanding, and personalized care, specifically designed to help you achieve your goals. First, we will work together to identify what has and what hasn’t been working in terms of stressors in your life. Through our sessions, we will work on developing practical tools to help you manage day-to-day stressors more effectively.

Together, we will set realistic and achievable goals, breaking them down into manageable steps and checking in regularly. This structured approach ensures that you not only make progress but also maintain it over time, leading to lasting positive change. My goal is to empower you with the tools and confidence to create a more fulfilling and satisfying life, where stress no longer dictates your actions, and you can fully enjoy the things that matter most to you.

Therapy can help you:

  • Learn effective stress management techniques to lower overall stress

  • Address burnout and exhaustion to feel more energized and capable throughout the day

  • Work through self-doubt and build a stronger, more positive self-image.

  • Foster a sense of community and support, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  • Feel more empowered and in control of your life, making decisions confidently and assertively

Options forTherapy

Life can get pretty chaotic, and squeezing in traditional, in-person therapy sessions might not always be a convenient option.

Receive therapy from the comfort of your own home with more flexibility in scheduling to fit your calendar. Whether it's during naptime, your lunch break, or whenever suits you best, you've got the flexibility to prioritize your well-being on your own terms.

Experience a unique alternative to traditional therapy and the therapeutic benefits of movement in nature with Walk & Talk Outdoor Therapy sessions.

You get to set the pace. Whether you bring your little one in a stroller, walk alongside your dog, or prefer sitting outdoors in a lawn chair for your therapy session, this environment is designed to serve you.

Finally break free from the relentless cycle of exhaustion and stress

Reclaim your energy and find balance through personalized therapy designed just for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy for Stress & Burnout

  • Therapy for stress and burnout focuses on helping individuals manage and reduce the overwhelming feelings associated with prolonged stress. It involves working with a therapist to identify stressors, develop coping strategies, and implement lifestyle changes to restore balance and well-being.

  • Stress hits us in the moment, triggered by specific events, making us feel overwhelmed and anxious. Burnout, on the other hand, is like a heavy fog that lingers, leaving us feeling emotionally drained, disconnected, and unmotivated in the long run. Burnout is characterized by chronic physical and emotional exhaustion, detachment from responsibilities, and a sense of reduced accomplishment. If you feel constantly drained or find it difficult to meet daily demands, you might be experiencing burnout.

  • Therapy can help by providing a safe space to explore the causes of your stress and burnout. A therapist can help you develop coping tools, guide you through techniques to help manage stress and calm your nervous system, and support you in making necessary lifestyle changes to improve your overall well-being.

  • Yes, online therapy can be very effective for treating stress and burnout. It offers flexibility and convenience, making it easier for many people to access the support they need and deserve. Studies have shown that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for many individuals.