Online Therapy in San Diego and throughout California

Your Wellness Journey, On Your Time

Are you looking for a therapy option that makes self-care more accessible and fits better into your busy schedule?

You really want to come to therapy, but life is so busy and you are struggling to find balance. Your days are filled with little time to pause and catch your breath and that never-ending to-do list seems impossible to tackle. You’re exhausted and feeling like you don’t have time for yourself. Taking time for self-care while managing your own needs can feel like a juggling act, especially when kids are in the mix. From getting out the door to sorting out childcare or dealing with traffic, it can be a real challenge.

  • need convenient and flexible support that fits with your busy schedule

  • are a parent juggling childcare and want to access therapy during nap times

  • have a demanding schedule with limited time and prefer to skip the drive

  • hope to squeeze in a therapy session to your lunchtime

  • want to receive therapy from the comfort of your home

Online therapy is a great fit for you if you:

Online Therapy can help you put yourself first and prioritize your mental health while navigating the demands of a full life.

Online therapy is a modern and convenient way to access therapy sessions using your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Instead of meeting in person, we'll connect through a secure video platform to have real-time conversations just like we would in an office setting. This allows you to attend therapy from wherever you have internet access, whether it's from the comfort of your own space, at work, or while traveling, you've got the flexibility to prioritize your well-being on your own time.  No need to rush out the door—just log on, and we can connect!

And here's the bonus: Keep those comfy clothes on, grab your favorite drink, and maybe even pamper yourself with a face mask or under-eye patches during our virtual session.

Online therapy is a user-friendly and effective way to access therapy services that can make a positive impact on your well-being. It's designed to be accessible, comfortable, and tailored to your unique needs, allowing you to prioritize yourself in a way that aligns with your lifestyle and engage in therapy on your terms.

Online therapy is a convenient and flexible option that allows you to connect with a therapist from the comfort of your own space, whether it's during nap times, your lunch hour, or whenever works best for you. Online therapy provides a supportive space making it easier to prioritize your mental health on your terms. This flexibility ensures consistent engagement with therapy, which is crucial for progress and achieving lasting results. If you're looking for an accessible and effective way to navigate life's challenges while still putting yourself first, online therapy is a perfect fit for you.

Online Therapy can help you:

  • Access support at times that work best for you

  • Eliminate travel time and focus solely on your well-being during sessions

  • Receive therapy in a relaxed and familiar environment, like your own home

  • Address anxiety, stress, or other concerns effectively without disrupting your daily routine

  • Build a collaborative and supportive therapeutic relationship that empowers you 

  • Take control of your mental health journey and live a more fulfilling life

How Does Online Therapy Work?

1. Schedule a Free Intro Call, so we can have a 15-minute consultation to see if I’m a good fit for your needs and what you’re looking for in therapy. This is a chance to ask any questions you have and find out if working together could be a good fit.

2. Once you decide I’m a good fit and you feel ready to get started, we’ll schedule an initial intake session. I’ll email you easy instructions to access my secure online video platform.

3. You will need reliable internet connection and a private space to get comfy for session. It’s that easy!

Therapy that fits your lifestyle because you are worth investing in.