Tulips are resilient and grow even in mountainous, rocky areas similar to humans. They bloom in the spring representing a rebirth or new life and have traditionally been given for someone going through life changes, taking on new adventures or challenges, or having a new addition to their family or life.

The Story Behind Tulipa Therapy

I would love to take a moment to introduce you to my grandma, Gloria Becker.

My grandma played a significant role in my life as a matriarch who helped shape the woman I am today and the parent I have become. She will forever be a part of me and the way that I show up in the world. I created this space to honor her memory and the legacy that continues to live on through me and now Tulipa.

My grandma played a pivotal role in my upbringing and helped lay the foundation for my own understanding of culture and beliefs.

She passed down her values of community, life being a blessing, acts of loving kindness, social justice, hope, and making the world a better place. Our relationship was so special and taught me about how I want to show up in the world and who I want to be in relationships with others. My grandma listened, and really heard me, even when I said things that upset her. She didn’t judge me and she continued to shower me with unconditional love and respectfully supported my choices even if she didn’t agree with them. My grandma taught me how to love and be compassionate and to raise my children. She taught me how to stand up for what is just and right even when it’s hard. Her influence on my life, my relationships, my parenting, and my work has been immeasurable.

My grandma became my best friend, we would talk on the phone every day, and most of the time we talked multiple times a day. She was the one I called for everything, without hesitation, because I knew that no matter what was going on in my life or what I needed at that moment, she would do her best to support me in whatever way I needed, whether that be a listening ear, a pep talk, or even just a loving call out with an opposing perspective. I also knew that my grandma would hold space for me in a way that I did not need to experience shame or guilt and this allowed me to be my most authentic self with her. When my grandma was diagnosed with severe dementia, I had the opportunity to step up as her conservator and care for her in the same way that she had cared for me my whole life, with unconditional love. Throughout this challenging time our relationship grew in ways that I couldn’t have imagined and since she has passed our relationship continues to evolve as grief is something that does not leave, but becomes something we learn to navigate and coexist with over time.

In my work as a therapist, I carry these lived experiences and values she instilled in me.

The compassion, respect, and understanding she generously gave to me inform my approach when helping others navigate their challenges. Her legacy is woven into the fabric of my therapeutic practice, where I can create a space for clients to feel heard, understood, and supported, just as my grandma did for me. Honoring her memory means extending the love and lessons she shared with me to those seeking guidance and healing in their own lives. My grandma's influence continues to shape not only my life but also the lives of those I engage with and support through my work as a therapist.

So how did all of this give life to Tulipa?

A fun fact about my grandma is that she had a love for tulips that left a permanent mark on my memories. There were tulip fridge magnets, tulips on her clothes, and tulips on the clothes she dressed me in as a child. From the bedding to the towels, tulips graced every corner of her home and her life. Tulips brought my grandma joy.

While reflecting on her influence in my life and the values she instilled in me that show up in my work, I found myself delving into the meaning behind her cherished flower. Research revealed that tulips, resilient and capable of thriving in mountainous and rocky areas, mirrored the strength hidden beneath their delicate appearance—much like the resilience within us as humans. Tulips also represent rebirth with their springtime bloom, which is something I hope to facilitate with my clients as they usually come to therapy searching for support with creating change in their lives. I find joy in supporting my clients with rewriting their unique narratives and creating the life they want for themselves as if they are a tulip in bloom.

This representation of tulips in my therapeutic practice and the memory of grandma seemed to intertwine seamlessly. This is the way that I am honoring her and all of the wisdom she shared with me and the world. Tulipa is how her legacy and soul will live on and continue to give joy and contribute to healing in the world.

May her memory be a blessing.