Walk & Talk Outdoor Therapy

in San Diego, California

Transforming Your Mental Health One Step at a Time

Have you tried traditional talk therapy,

but haven’t seen the change you were hoping for?

Are you someone who…

  • feels stuck like you aren’t making progress

  • is tired of traditional therapy settings and sitting in an office 

  • struggles to take time for yourself

  • wants to bring your little one or your dog to session

What is Walk & Talk Outdoor Therapy?

Being in nature can have a calming and grounding effect. The natural surroundings provide a peaceful backdrop that encourages relaxation and reflection. This can help you feel more comfortable and open during our conversations, allowing us to explore deeper emotions and thoughts.

This approach is especially great if you find traditional therapy settings to be too formal or confining. Walking side by side can feel more relaxed and less intimidating, allowing our conversations to flow naturally. The relaxed and informal nature of Walk and Talk therapy often leads to more authentic and meaningful discussions. 

Walk and Talk therapy is about empowering you to make positive changes in your life. Whether your goals involve managing stress, improving relationships, increasing self-confidence, or working through difficult emotions, our sessions in nature can provide the space and support you need to achieve them.

Walk and Talk therapy is a unique approach where we have our therapy sessions outdoors while walking. Instead of sitting in an office, we take advantage of the natural environment. Walking can be really beneficial because it can help you relax, clear your mind, and feel more open to talking. It's a way to combine the benefits of movement and nature with our conversations, making therapy feel more engaging and refreshing.

Walk and Talk therapy is designed to support you in reaching your therapy goals. The combination of walking outdoors and engaging in conversation creates a dynamic therapeutic experience. The movement during our sessions can be very beneficial. Walking can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, increase circulation, and promote a sense of well-being. This physical activity can also stimulate creativity and improve mood, which can be especially helpful when addressing personal challenges or goals.

How Does Walk & Talk Outdoor Therapy Work?

A Walk and Talk therapy session begins with us meeting at a previously agreed upon outdoor location like a park, beach, or nature trail. You get to set the pace. Whether you bring your little one in a stroller, walk alongside your dog, or prefer sitting on a bench or blanket for your outdoor therapy sessions, this environment is designed to serve you. 

Walk & Talk Outdoor Therapy can help you…

  • Boost your mood as movement releases endorphins

  • Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression

  • Reconnect with your body to feel less stressed and more relaxed

  • Increase self-awareness and improve emotional regulation

  • Shift your perspective from feeling stuck as walking is physically moving you forward

Elevate Your Therapy.

Walk Your Way to Wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions about Walk and Talk Outdoor Therapy

  • We will meet virtually for our initial session and there we will create a plan together. We will discuss your goals and the details of Walk and Talk Outdoor Therapy Sessions, including where we will meet. Some of my favorite Walk & Talk locations are Lake Murray, Mission Bay, Santee Lakes, and Balboa Park.

  • Thankfully, in San Diego, we have many beautiful days. However, we will create a backup plan during our initial session just in case. It is always an option to shift to a virtual online therapy session.

  • Before our initial Walk and Talk session, we will thoroughly discuss the boundaries of confidentiality, particularly in the unique outdoor setting. While acknowledging that some factors may be beyond our control, I will always prioritize confidentiality.

  • Walk and Talk Therapy costs the same as any other type of therapy!