Get Confident and Connected in Parenting

Parent Coaching

in San Diego, California and Online Anywhere You Are

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the daily challenges of parenting?

Parenting is hard and maybe it’s not working the way you expected. You’re struggling with discipline and feel like nothing is working. You feel like you’re always yelling or nagging and worried it is straining your relationship with your child. And it doesn’t help that you and you’re partner are on different pages when it comes to parenting and it’s causing a lot of tension. Maybe you’re dealing with sibling rivalry and just want the fighting to stop.

  • You want to improve your relationship with your child and create a more positive connection

  • You want to learn how to better support your child with emotional regulation and teach them coping skills

  • You’re navigating life transitions, like a move or a new baby, and need support to help your family adjust

  • You want to gain confidence in your parenting abilities and the decisions you make for your family

  • You’re seeking a more peaceful home environment where everyone can thrive

Parent Coaching is a great fit for you if:

Parent Coaching provides practical strategies to improve your family’s home life, build a stronger connection with your child, and gain confidence in your parenting skills.

Parent coaching is a supportive and personalized process designed to help parents navigate the challenges of raising children. It involves working collaboratively to understand your specific concerns and goals as a parent. Through coaching sessions, you'll gain practical strategies, tools, and insights to address issues such as discipline, communication, sleep routines, and emotional support for your child.

Together, you’ll work on finding solutions that fit your family’s unique needs, helping you feel more confident and less stressed.  I will provide guidance and encouragement, empowering you to make positive changes and build a stronger connection with your child. Parent coaching is a collaborative and non-judgmental approach that focuses on practical solutions and helps you feel more confident, capable, and makes parenting a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. The ultimate aim is to support parents in creating a nurturing family environment where both parents and children can thrive.

How Does Parent Coaching Work?

  1. Schedule a Free Intro Call, so we can have a 15-minute consultation to see if Parent Coaching is a good fit for your needs and goals as a parent. This is a chance to ask any questions you have and find out if working together could be a good fit.

  2. Once you decide I’m a good fit and you feel ready to get started, we’ll schedule our first appointment. I’ll email you easy instructions to access my online video platform.

  3. You will need reliable internet connection and a private space to get comfy for session. It’s that easy!

Parent Coaching can help you…

  • Develop better ways to communicate with your child, fostering understanding and cooperation.

  • Equip your child with tools to manage their emotions and cope with stress.

  • Understand and support your child's developmental stages with confidence.

  • Learn techniques to manage and reduce conflicts between siblings, fostering better relationships.

  • Build a closer, more trusting, and positive relationship with your child.

  • Feel more assured and competent in your parenting decisions and actions.

It is possible to feel calm and confident in parenting.

Are you ready to learn new parenting strategies and feel more in control?

Frequently Asked Questions about Parent Coaching

  • The duration of parent coaching varies depending on individual needs and goals. Some families may benefit from a few sessions to address specific issues, while others may choose ongoing support for longer-term growth and development.

  • Parent coaching is beneficial for parents of children of all ages, from infancy through adolescence and beyond. You can receive support and guidance at every stage of your child's development.

  • Take advantage of the free consultation where we can discuss your concerns and goals before committing to coaching. This can help you determine if coaching is the right fit for you.

  • Parent Coaching Sessions are $180 a session

    Parent Coaching Package of 4 Sessions is $750