Discover a a Calmer,

Therapy for Anxiety and Life Transitions

More Confident You

in San Diego and Online throughout California

Anxiety doesn’t have to get in the way of you living your life.

Do you wake up each morning feeling a tight knot of anxiety in your stomach, overwhelmed by the endless to-do list that never seems to shrink?

Daily life feels like constant obstacles, and you often find yourself snapping at your loved ones, only to be consumed by guilt later. Nights are restless, your mind racing with worries about the future, financial pressures, and the fear of failing. Social gatherings that used to bring joy now induce anxiety, making you feel isolated and disconnected. The self-doubt and second-guessing your every decision leaves you emotionally exhausted.

The effects of anxiety can ripple through every aspect of life. Relationships can feel strained as stress and irritability impact interactions with partners, family, and friends, often causing conflicts and leaving you feeling alone. At work, anxiety might make it hard to focus and get things done, leading to worries about job security. Self-care routines might be pushed aside, making it harder to stay healthy, and social activities might feel more exhausting than enjoyable.

I understand that adulting can be hard, and navigating life's twists and turns can feel overwhelming. Whether you're embarking on a new job, navigating through grief and loss, going through a divorce, contemplating expanding your family with children, or simply feeling weighed down by anxiety, you're not alone.

Break the Cycle of Overthinking and Self-Doubt to Regain Confidence and Control

Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day, free from the constant knot of anxiety and daily tasks feel manageable and less overwhelming. You communicate better with your partner, creating deeper connections and resolving conflicts with empathy. You find yourself having better focus and confidence, and your productivity improves. You feel a sense of renewed energy.

You challenge negative thoughts and see yourself in a more positive light starting to prioritize self-care without feeling guilty, understanding that taking care of yourself is essential for taking care of others. You begin to feel more capable of handling whatever life throws your way, transforming from feeling overwhelmed and anxious to feeling empowered and fulfilled.

My approach is designed to support you in achieving your goals by first creating a safe, non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Together, we’ll identify the specific challenges you’re facing and set realistic, achievable goals tailored to your unique needs.

Through evidence-based techniques and mindfulness practices, I’ll help you develop practical strategies to manage anxiety and navigate life transitions with confidence. Regular check-ins and progress assessments will keep you on track, celebrating your successes and adjusting strategy as needed. My goal is to empower you with the tools and confidence to navigate life’s challenges, ultimately helping you create a balanced, joyful, and fulfilling life.

Anxiety Therapy San Diego California

Therapy can help you:

  • Gain an understanding of the thoughts, feelings, and triggers around anxiety

  • Develop practical techniques to manage anxiety in the moment

  • Challenge negative thoughts, replacing them with more balanced perspectives

  • Improve communication skills and set healthy boundaries, strengthening relationships and reducing conflicts

  • Prioritize self-care and activities that reduce stress

Options for Therapy

Life can get pretty chaotic, and squeezing in traditional, in-person therapy sessions might not always be a convenient option.

Receive therapy from the comfort of your own home with more flexibility in scheduling to fit your calendar. Whether it's during naptime, your lunch break, or whenever suits you best, you've got the flexibility to prioritize your well-being on your own terms.

Experience a unique alternative to traditional therapy and the therapeutic benefits of movement in nature with Walk & Talk Outdoor Therapy sessions.

You get to set the pace. Whether you bring your little one in a stroller, walk alongside your dog, or prefer sitting outdoors in a lawn chair for your therapy session, this environment is designed to serve you.

Find freedom from anxiety and navigate life’s transitions with confidence and clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy for Anxiety and Life Transitions

  • Anxiety can manifest in various ways, including persistent worry, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, and physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, or stomach issues. If you find that these symptoms interfere with your daily life, relationships, or work, it might be a sign of anxiety.

  • If you frequently feel overwhelmed, have persistent worry, experience physical symptoms like a racing heart or shortness of breath, and find that anxiety is interfering with your daily life, relationships, or work, it might be beneficial to seek therapy.

  • Yes, online therapy can be very effective for treating anxiety. It offers flexibility and convenience, making it easier for many people to access the support they need and deserve. Studies have shown that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for many individuals.

  • Therapy for life transitions supports individuals in navigating significant changes in their lives, such as moving, starting a new job, getting married, becoming a parent, or retiring. It provides support with managing the emotional and psychological impacts of these transitions and helps develop coping strategies to adjust smoothly.

  • Therapy can help by providing a safe space to explore feelings and thoughts related to the transition as well as clarify your goals, evaluate your options, and make informed choices that align with your values and needs. In therapy, you can work on developing practical tools and strategies to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and navigate life transitions. Therapy also supports individuals in identifying strengths and resources to cope with the changes more effectively.

  • Therapy can help with a wide range of life transitions, including starting or ending a relationship, career changes, relocating, becoming a parent, experiencing loss or grief, adjusting to an empty nest, and entering retirement. Any significant change that impacts your daily life can be addressed in therapy.

  • If you're experiencing significant stress, anxiety, or emotional distress due to a life change, therapy might be beneficial. Some signs might include feeling overwhelmed, having difficulty adjusting, experiencing mood swings, or finding it hard to move forward.