Finding Calm and Confidence in Motherhood

Therapy for Moms

in San Diego and Online throughout California

I feel like I'm constantly failing.


Lately, I just can't find joy in anything.


I'm constantly treading water.


I'm just going through the motions, but I'm not really present.


I can't remember the last time I did something for myself.

I feel like I'm constantly failing. | Lately, I just can't find joy in anything. | I'm constantly treading water. | I'm just going through the motions, but I'm not really present. | I can't remember the last time I did something for myself.

Mama, you’re doing a great job!

Motherhood isn’t easy.

There’s a lot of beauty in motherhood. 

But what we often don’t talk about is the reality that every mother is faced with their fair share of struggle. 

The life of a mom can feel like a constant juggling act, trying to balance numerous responsibilities and demands all at once. You're constantly on the go, with little time to pause and catch your breath. Your days may feel chaotic and disorganized, with a never-ending to-do list that seems impossible to tackle.

Maybe You’re Feeling: 

  • Exhausted and like you don’t have time for yourself 

  • Mom guilt and constantly putting others' needs before your own

  • Stuck and overwhelmed by life and responsibilities

  • Lonely and maybe even disconnected from who you once were

  • Like you're "drowning" or "running on empty"

  • Like they're "failing" as a parent

  • That you’re "just surviving" rather than thriving

Moms wear multiple hats, from caregiver to chauffeur, chef to referee. You find yourself pulled in countless directions, meeting the needs of your family while neglecting your own. It's like being on a tightrope, trying to maintain balance with the competing demands of work, household chores, and family commitments. Each day presents a new set of challenges, leaving you feeling stretched thin and overwhelmed.

Imagine a life where you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day…

You have practical tools to manage stress, handle the ups and downs of parenting, and carve out time for yourself without feeling guilty. As a result, you find yourself more confident in your parenting abilities, ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way. You experience a deeper connection with your children and partner as you improve communication and set healthy boundaries. You start to see yourself not just as a mom, but as a whole person with your own dreams and needs. The constant sense of being overwhelmed diminishes, replaced by a sense of balance and fulfillment. Your days are filled with more joy and peace and you begin to embrace motherhood with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

I am here to support you in reaching your goals and finding a balance that brings more joy and fulfillment to your life. This space is designed for you to prioritize self-care and nurture your own well-being. Together we will talk through what’s been challenging and come up with practical solutions that fit your life. Whether it's managing stress, handling anxiety, or finding time for yourself, I will offer tools and strategies to make things easier while navigating the ups and downs of parenting. We will work on setting healthy boundaries, improving your relationships, and creating a more peaceful home environment. Plus, you’ll learn how to take care of yourself without feeling guilty, so you can be the best version of yourself for you and your family. My goal is to empower you with the tools you need to create a life filled with more calm, joy, and connection.

  • Learn practical techniques and coping skills to navigate stressful situations with greater ease and confidence.

  • Develop skills to bounce back from setbacks and cope effectively with difficult emotions.

  • Prioritize self-care and establish healthy boundaries, learning to nurture your own well-being even with the demands of motherhood.

  • Improve effective communication skills to express your needs and boundaries assertively.

  • Build your village and connect with a supportive community of moms facing similar challenges.

  • Find confidence in making choices that align with your values and priorities.

Therapy in Motherhood can help you:

Options for Therapy

Life can get pretty chaotic, and squeezing in traditional, in-person therapy sessions might not always be a convenient option.

Receive therapy from the comfort of your own home with more flexibility in scheduling to fit your calendar. Whether it's during naptime, your lunch break, or whenever suits you best, you've got the flexibility to prioritize your well-being on your own terms.

Experience a unique alternative to traditional therapy and the therapeutic benefits of movement in nature with Walk & Talk Outdoor Therapy sessions.

You get to set the pace. Whether you bring your little one in a stroller, walk alongside your dog, or prefer sitting outdoors in a lawn chair for your therapy session, this environment is designed to serve you.

It’s time you prioritize yourself without feeling guilty, navigate motherhood with more ease and confidence, and live with less stress and more joy.

Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy for Moms

  • Therapy can provide support, guidance, and practical strategies to help you navigate the ups and down of motherhood while continuing to nurture your own identity outside of being a mom, establish boundaries, and prioritize self-care.

  • If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or struggling to cope with the demands of motherhood, therapy can provide valuable support and guidance. It's important to prioritize your mental health and well-being. You deserve care and support too!

  • Therapy for moms typically focuses on your own experiences, emotions, and challenges as a parent. However, depending on your goals and preferences, strategies for improving parent-child relationships or addressing family dynamics may incorporated in therapy sessions.

  • Myself and many other therapists offer free consultations or introductory sessions where you can discuss your concerns and goals before committing to therapy. This can help you determine if therapy is the right fit for you and your needs.